Sunday, November 27, 2011

► Of Beginnings and Books

Welcome, welcome to our humble abode!

No, really. It’s quite humble and we don’t very much mind, thank you very much.

This blog is brought to you by Snarky Writer and Reader Girl! We are not merely hero and sidekick, but a beautiful harmony of… er… book review writing heroes… Or maybe we just really like books and find ourselves opinionated! Feel free to choose your own beliefs. I personally find the former idea a bit more enchanting.

We’ll spare you the usual long winded schtick and tell you straight up: we read books and we write reviews. Typically we read YA novels, but you’ll find sometimes Snarky Girl deviates outside that realm. No harm done, right? Yeah, maybe we’ll be picky and yeah, maybe we’ll praise books to the higher glories, but we can promise we’ll give you our true opinion. And trust me, if it sucks, it sucks. Better luck next time, bub!

Snarky Writer is a lady of twenty-one years old who was born and raised in the culturally rich and more often than not lovely belly bottom of the American Continent. She's currently a junior in University (though almost a senior!) and spends her time whining about her never-ending homework, and the fact that said never-ending homework only gets done at the last minute, because she spends most of her time either raging or fangirling all over tumblr. Snarky Writer (whom you may call Angie) luxuriates in morally ambiguous characters, well-built narrative arcs, television shows, McDonald's fries, and the sound one of her dogs makes when she pets it behind the ear.

Some of Snarky Writer's favorite books include:The Book Thief, the Harry Potter series (which give her a lot of feelings, and trust me when she says that not all of them are good), A Song of Ice and Fire series (which give her a lot of feelings, and trust me when she says that not all of them are good v.2) Como Agua para Chocolate, Suspiros de Fantasmas, Pride and Prejudice, Veronika Decides to Die, and several other books that she's failing to remember at the moment.

Reader Girl is a 23-year-old former Editor-in-Chief living somewhere between Neverland and Hogwarts – and she refuses to fully grow up. She’s an aspiring writer with a brave vendetta to revolutionize the world. Occasionally long-winded, she's nothing if not honest. When not writing stories and worlds of her own, she likes to read books and is pretending to plan a wedding. It looks like her young adult tale is coming to a close, but that doesn’t mean she can’t keep reading them! Though she prefers coffee to tea, she loves to cozy up with a book – and maybe her collection of giraffe plushies. But she won’t give an official statement on the latter. If she tries to update you on her writing progress, just smile and nod your head!

With an occasional penchant for sweet fluff; a morbid fascination for post-mortem narrations; an adoration of beautiful writing and details; and a fondness for intelligent, independent females, Reader Girl likes to try to give a lot of books a chance. 

Some of Reader Girl's favorite books include: The Book Thief, Neverwhere, Dash and Lily's Book of Dares, The Realm of Possibility, Hunger Games, Before I Fall, If I Stay, Anna and the French Kiss, and the Percy Jackson series.

Feel free to subscribe to our blog via email or follow us with Google Friend Connect! Just check out the nifty gadgets in the sidebar! We cannot promise giveaways at this point, but maybe in time? We like to hope you'll join/follow us just because you like us. Or because we're pretty. Once again, take your pick! (But we'll just pretend it's both.) 

Feel free to introduce yourself! Snarky Writer and Reader Girl would love to know who's reading with them!

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